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Innominate Bones - Hip bone

Innominate Bones or large hip bone, one on each side. The two hip bones form the pelvis, enclosing the funnel-shaped pelvic cavity.The pelvic cavity contains the internal sex organs, the bladder, the rectum and other structures. The innominate bones unite with each other in the front beneath the public hair.

In the back , the innominate bones are joined to the lowest heavy part of the spinal column, to the "sacrum", to form the powerful funnel-shaped enclosure called the "pelvis". The joints formed between the large pelvic bones and the sacrum are called the " sacro-iliac" joints. These joints are rather closely united and are not freely movable joints, but they very often give way under the strain of bending , heavy lifting or childbirth, cause acute and chronic backaches, and are very frequently the seat of arthritis.

Rest, heat applications and tightening with the "double-turn binder "will give relief. The innominate bones form the foundation of the trunk supporting the entire body weight and having the thighs and legs suspended from them. The thigh bones (femur) are joined into sockets on the side of each hip bone.

Innominate means " no name." its seems the anatomists thought these bones so important that they gave no special name to them, as was given to all other bones in the body.But because they are such large bones with so many twists and aspects, they assigned each part of it a different name.

The barlike portion joining together at the front under the public hair is called "pubis", the big winglike portion forming each hip is called "ilium", and the angular part we sit on is called "ischium",. The ilium, ischium and pubis  make up the nameless hip bone or innominate bone. So the anatomists did not really shy away from the hip bones.
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