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Sludged Blood

Normally the blood stream runs smoothly in our blood vessels. No blood cells crowd each other or stick to the walls of the vessels. The red cells, though found in the blood in such great numbers, 5,000,000 cells to one cubic millimeter, manage to keep apart from each other and away from the surface of the blood vessel walls.

These walls are clean and smooth, and the cells, too, look clean and transparent. When looked at across the thickness of the blood vessels, the red blood cells are seen to move in circular rows and in regular order one behind the other. The rows of cells near the center of the arterial tube move down the tube at a faster pace than the outer rows nearer to the vessel's wall, like an express train on the center track between two locals, or like the water in the center of your bathtub drain is seen to be rushing down and suctioned in faster than at the outer rim.

The cells seem to repel each other and normally remain absolutely isolated from one another; every individual cell going its own way hurrying about its task of carrying oxygen to the body tissues.

All this has been recently observed by American investigators, Drs. Kinsely, Bloch, Eliot and Warner, through special microscopes, in the small blood vessels of the living human eye and in other blood vessels of living animals. The blood vessels have also been seen to contract regularly and propel the stream of blood along its route at a steady gallop. Of course, all these phenomena take place in orderly fashion only when the body is in good health.

But it has also been observed by the same investigators that in disease, after injury and during the aging process these phenomena are all upset and conditions in the circulating blood stream become perverted and changed. Apparently in these instances law and order, private enterprise and rugged individualism seem to have all disappeared from this multitrillion community of blood cells.

High fever, serious injury and the degenerative aging process all make the blood vessel walls become sticky and the red blood cells uncleanlooking and covered with a layer of mucilaginous material as if they are getting mouldy and rusty. The cells clump and crowd together, sticking to each other and to the vessel walls.

The result of this reversion is the formation of lumps and clots in many of the small blood vessels located in the most vital spots, in the brain, kidneys and other organs. This obstruction in the blood vessels of the brain is probably the reason why patients with high fever and those suffering from the shock of a serious injury become incoherent and psychotic. After you recover from a serious illness, these abnormal conditions disappear and everything runs smoothly again.

But should a person be ill many times, there is likely to be left some permanent injury and obstruction in many of the blood vessels of vital organs. Moreover, one serious illness may leave more permanent damage in one person than many diseases in another person.

High blood pressure is very likely induced by such obstructed vessels, and mental illness and kidney dis-ease may also result from the sludged blood and sludged blood vessels left from previous ill health. The discovery of the "sludging phenomenon" will in the near future help to explain many obscure diseases, and no doubt the proper remedies will be found for those diseases once their cause is better understood.
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