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Normal Pulse Rate

The pulse in the arteries is a result of be heart's pumping action, and therefore corresponds to the heartbeat which causes an impulse in the arteries with its every beat. By counting the pulse you ire really counting the heartbeat.

By feeling and counting the pulse the doctor learns of the rate, rhythm and force of the heart; he can judge roughly the condition of your blood pressure from the character of the pulse and can also diagnose some diseases that way.
pulse rate

Everyone knows how to feel for the pulse at the thumb side of the wrist joint; people should also know to find and feel the pulse at the ankle joint. You will locate the last by placing your finger just behind the bony knob on the inner side of the ankle joint.

When the pulse at the ankle cannot be felt it is a sign of obstructed circulation in the leg—Buerger's disease or thromboangitis obliterans. A doctor should be consulted in such cases.

The pulse at the wrist is called the "radial," at the ankle it is called the "tibial," which are the names of the respective arteries. The pulse varies with age, sex, occupation and state of health.

It is faster in children and in the aged, faster in short people than in tall ones, and faster in females than in males. It is about 75 per minute in the male and about 85 in the female.

However, there is nothing absolute about the pulse rate and it varies in every individual, male or female, between a rate of 6o and 90 under normal conditions. Excitement, exercise or any other muscular exertion increases the pulse rate.

A heavy meal raises the pulse considerably. The pulse rises during fevers, in goiter disease and in infections.

The pulse rate in the fetus is about 150

At birth it is about   140

During the first year it is about   130

During the second year it is about 115

During the third year it is about . 100

Later in life it is usually about   90

During adolescence it tends to become slower, but some young people have a pulse of 90 or over without apparent ill health.

The pulse generally gets slower in old age, but as the heart becomes affected as a result of senility the pulse rate increases.

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