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Kidney Disease Symptoms in Adults

Kidney disease is now attacking the youth because of unhealthy lifestyles. This follows existing diseases of the kidney

1. Pyelonephritis 

infection and inflammation of the kidney tissue and the renal pelvis (the cavity formed by the expansion of the upper end of the ureter, the tube that conveys urine to the bladder). The infection is usually bacterial.

The most common type of renal disorder, pyelonephritis may be chronic or acute.
Acute pyelonephritis generally affects one specific region of the kidney, leaving the rest of the kidney structure untouched. In many instances pyelonephritis develops without any apparent precipitating cause.

Any obstruction to the flow of blood or urine, however, may make the kidneys more susceptible to infection, and fecal soiling of the urethral opening is thought to increase the incidence of the disease in infants (the urethra is the channel for urine from the bladder to the outside).

Women may suffer injury of the urinary passages during intercourse or pregnancy, and catheterization (mechanical draining of urine) can cause infection.

2. Glomerulonephritis

Glomerulonephritis, another common kidney disease, is characterized by inflammation of some of the kidney's glomeruli. This condition may occur when the body’s immune system is impaired. Antibodies and other substances form large particles in the bloodstream that become trapped in the glomeruli.

This causes inflammation and prevents the glomeruli from working properly. Symptoms may include blood in the urine, swelling of body tissues, and the presence of protein in the urine, as determined by laboratory tests.

Glomerulonephritis often clears up without treatment. When treatment is necessary, it may include a special diet, immunosuppressant drugs, or plasmapheresis, a procedure that removes the portion of the blood that contains antibodies.

Glomerulonephritis is the disorder commonly known as nephritis, or Bright's disease. The primary impact of the disease is on the vessels of the glomerular tuft. The suffix “-itis” suggests an inflammatory lesion, and glomerulonephritis is indeed associated with infection, in the limited sense that it may begin soon after a streptococcal infection and may be aggravated in its later course by infections of various kinds.

Nevertheless, there is convincing evidence that glomerulonephritis does not represent a direct attack on the kidney by an infective agent; it appears to be, rather, an immunologic disorder, in the sense of the formation of antibodies in response to the presence of a foreign protein (antigen) elsewhere in the body; these form antigen antibody complexes that lodge in the glomerular tuft or, in a small number of cases, themselves become deposited on the capillary glomerular walls.

In each case the antibody or the antigen–antibody complex reaches the kidney via the circulation, and the mechanism is usually referred to as circulating complex disease.

3. Kidney Stone

also called Renal Calculus, plural Renal Calculi, concretion of minerals and organic matter that forms in the kidneys. Such stones may become so large as to impair normal renal function. Urine contains many salts in solution and if the concentration of mineral salts becomes excessive, the excess salt precipitates as solid particles called stones.

 Kidney stones are classified as primary if they form without apparent cause, such as an infection or obstruction. They are classified as secondary if they develop after a renal infection or disorder.
Certain circumstances increase the likelihood of stone formation.

Either a reduction in fluid volume or a surge in mineral concentration can be enough to upset the delicate balance between the liquid and its solutes. Once a stone starts developing, it generally continues to grow. A nucleus for precipitation of urinary salts can be a clump of bacteria, degenerated tissue, sloughed-off cells, or a tiny blood clot.

Minerals start collecting around the foreign particle and encrusting it. As the stone increases in size, the surface area available for additional mineral deposition is continually increased.

Smaller kidney stones can pass out of the body on their own, although this can be painful. Larger stones may require surgery, or they may be broken into smaller pieces with sound waves in a procedure called ultrasonic lithotripsy.

4. Kidney Failure

also called Renal Failure, partial or complete loss of kidney function. Kidney failure is classified as acute (when the onset is sudden) or chronic.

Acute kidney failure results in reduced output of urine, abnormally high levels of nitrogenous substances, potassium, sulfates, and phosphates in the blood, and abnormally low blood levels of sodium, calcium, and carbon dioxide (see uremia). Ordinarily the affected person recovers in six weeks or less.

Causes of kidney failure include destruction of the tubules in the kidney by drugs or organic solvents such as carbon tetrachloride, acetone, and ethylene glycol; exposure to compounds of metals such as mercury, lead, and uranium; physical injuries or major surgery causing much loss of blood or an increase in blood pressure; severe burns; and incompatible blood transfusions.

Renal failure can also result from diseases that destroy the cortex (outer substance) of the kidney; from severe bacterial infections of the kidney; from diabetes that causes destruction of the medulla (the inner substance) of the kidney; and from overabundance of calcium salts in the kidneys.

Blockage of the renal arteries, liver diseases, and obstruction of the urinary tract produce acute failure; on rare occasions, kidney failure can occur without apparent symptoms.

Complications that arise from kidney failure include heart failure, pulmonary edema, and an overabundance of potassium in the body.

Chronic renal failure is usually the result of prolonged diseases of the kidney. In chronic failure the blood becomes more acidic than normal and there can be loss of calcium from the bones. Nerve degeneration can also occur.

5. How Keeping Healthy Kidney

Most people have been told that it is important to drink 8-10 glasses of good water a day. Urine should be 96% or better of water in order to flush all the sediment out of the kidneys. It is almost impossible to get good water today. Experts suggest that people only drink water purified by a reverse osmosis system.

Even Reverse Osmosis (R.O.) water needs to be kept refrigerated. Many people are buying bottled water. When water is stagnant it breeds bacteria unless it is distilled or chemically treated. Chemicals used to purify the water are linked with kidney disease, high blood pressure, cancer, and more. Distilled water is unstable molecularly.

The process of distilling encourages Hydrogens to share an oxygen molecule. Some natural healers say that before anyone has ANY SYMPTOMS of kidney problems they can have at LEAST 60% KIDNEY DAMAGE, so it's very important to strive to keep them healthy.

It is still called H2O or Water, but everything in nature tries to stabilize itself including distilled water. As the unstable water passes through the urinary system, especially the kidneys it will draw out oxygen which, with prolong use, can weaken the kidneys. I don't believe that anything not found in that state in nature be considered totally safe.

A high quality spring water, should be a good source as well. Water drawn from pure springs not refrigerated will breed bacteria no matter how sterile looking the bottle. Some people say "The top of the water cooler isn't refrigerated but as it comes out it passes a cooling system." What they are drinking then is cold bacteria. If you had piece of meat out for days or weeks could you make it safe by refrigerating it right before you eat it?

Many a public water system has been laced with fluoride to strengthen our teeth. This Fluoride can alter the brain function and can destroy your kidneys. You can buy a new set of teeth much easier than going through a kidney transplant.

Another important aspect in keeping healthy kidneys is to keep all of the other eliminating systems functioning properly. The 2.4 million nephrons inside the kidney filter the blood. If the bowel, liver, or the skin is not functioning properly the blood will be more toxic and will cause more acid than the kidneys are designed to handle.
Kidney Disease Symptoms

Many with gout will attest to this fact.

Probably what causes the most abuse to the kidneys are: 

  • COFFEE, TEA AND SODA. Some people think that it's the caffeine in these drinks that is hard on the kidneys and joints. Caffeine is not good for you, but it is the tannic acid that damages the kidneys. Another real offender is artificial colored sugar water. Carbonation is also very hard on the kidneys. 
  • Do drink good water, juices and herbal teas. 
  • Keep your cholesterol level below 5.5 
  • Maintain a healthy body mass index. Obesity poses a significant risk when it comes to kidney disease. 
  • Do 30 minutes of exercise daily, a moderate intensity walk is adequate for general well being. 
  • Do not smoke. Smokers have a much greater risk of kidney disease. 
  • Eat a healthy, well balanced diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meat. Reduce your consumption of fast food and high fat food. 
  • Keep your blood pressure below 130/90. High blood pressure (known as hypertension) can cause kidney disease. 
  • Take preventive measures against getting type 2 diabetes or if you have diabetes manage it well. Diabetes can cause kidney disease. 
  • Avoid taking unnecessary medications-drugs like lithium and cyclosporine in particular can lead to kidney failure. 
  • Drink at least two liters of fluid each day, preferably water. If you don't drink enough water to produce adequate urine it can lead to urinary tract infections which can cause kidney stones to develop. 
  • Consider having your kidney function tested regularly if you feel you are at risk of kidney disease. Kidney function can be reduced to 80-90% before any physical symptoms develop. 
  • To maintain a healthy liver and kidneys it is important to eat healthy and drink plenty of water daily. 
  • Fruits and vegetables is very helpful for remove the waste from the bloodstream. Eat wide range of fruits and vegetables. The easy way to remember to eat a wide range of fresh fruits and vegetables is to do the rainbow color of the variety in choosing something from all the different colors of fruits and vegetables. 
  • Eating a wide range of healthy foods will give you more of the nutritional intake of a better balanced diet. In addition consider expanding your horizon of new types of healthy food categories that are on your pyramid diet plan. The antioxidants in the Rainbow Colored choices to make so you can have some of every color in your regular diet with the intake of your fruits and vegetables might safe guard you against certain illnesses and diseases;such as cancer and will keep your immune system stronger especially during cold and flu season. 
  • Drink 2 liters of a day. Get can be filtered water, distilled or mineral. Just as long as it is free of chlorine and other chemicals that are in unfiltered tap water. 
  • Eat 5 servers of fruits and vegetables daily. 
  • The bulk of your food intake should consist of whole grain foods and legumes. 
  • The smaller portions should consist of (preferably) low fat diary products, fish once or twice a week in small portions (as to not get to much heavy metels or mercury in the diet), skinless poultry and lean meat and nuts. 
  • Count calories. Watch your calorie intake and keep it at or below the standard amount for your height and weight. Lower calories intake if you are obese. 
  • Obesity increases a persons risk for Liver Disease. In America there are 74% of the population 25 years and older are overweight. Having an excess of fat on the body effects the internal organs by making them harder to function properly. 
  • Alcohol increases the risk of Liver Disease, Hepatitis by 50% and Cirrhosis by 15 to 30%. 
  • Drugs play a major role in the damage to the liver and kidneys as well as the overall wellbeing of the individuals life. 
  • Regular exercise helps the organs by stretching them as you workout and thereby strengthening them. Exercise no less than 3 times a week Walking, running, jogging, swimming, hiking, aerobics and other forms of fitness training that will keep you in shape will benefit the internal organs as well as increase years to your life. Choose to exercise by fitness activities that you enjoy doing or are more out to do. If it is walking than walk with a friend(s). Join a Fitness Club, YMCA, or a sports activity. It is never to late to start playing baseball, soccer or jogging a jogging team. Stick to stuff you like to do and that will increase your success rate of maintaining an active regular fitness program.

Thanks for reading Kidney Disease Symptoms in Adults

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